Johanna! I feel the exact same way! Everyday I come home and turn on the news to see more people shot and killed to gun violence, robbery, or just for the fun of it. I really am questioning ever having kids too! I can't imagine myself being able to handle situations like that. I grew up in a huge family and that has always been my dream, but with the way things are now, I don't think that dream will ever come true. The feeling that I got when I saw your post felt crazy to me. I knew actually how you feel. I guess only time will tell! I'm hoping that things get better around the world but it just seems like it gets worse and worse everyday!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Final Post!!!
Response to Rachel's Final Post
Rachel, I can relate with you about children learning so fast on the computers. My niece was about 4 too when she began to be involved with computers. She would ask us to put in on the Nickelodeon website and she knew where to go from there. She would play color and number games that involved Dora the Explorer! She loved it! I also agree with Daphne's comment that they will probably pick up this whole blogging thing faster than we did. LOL!! Anyway, I actually did like the whole blogging thing because it helped me get a feel for who I was talking to in class. Also, the photos were great because it gave it a more personal touch. It was great to have you all in class! Good Luck in the future!
Response to Daphne's Final Post
Daphne, I agree! Love is love no matter what race, gender, sex, religion, etc. Nobody should be the judge of who gets to marry who. I was watching the news the other day and Ellen D proposed to her girlfriend! I think that is great and it gives lesbians inspiration to tie the knot or be committed fully to their loved ones. Some states I believe are started to recognize same sex unions and I think that it’s great. I'm no lesbian, but I have family members who are and I love them and their mates just as much as any other family member. Love knows no boundaries!
June 24, 2008 11:52 PM
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Week 3 Responses to Prof.
I can't wait to see Sex in the City either. A big group of my single friends are going to see it. I think that it is interesting to see women act like "men." They are independent, wealthy, and sometimes treat men as objects. I think it’s sort of like female versions of men.
May 30, 2008 8:14:00 PM PDT
Jennifer said...
I hope I am on the right track with this. Please let me know! Thanks!
May 30, 2008 8:17:00 PM PDT
Addional Responses to Week 6
I agree...There is nothing wrong with man staying home, cooking, cleaning and being the "woman" of the family. I was brought up in family where my mother stayed at home and took care of the house and family, while my father worked two jobs supporting the family. When my siblings and I were able to go to school my mom than got a job and helped support the family. In today's society either the man or the woman can be the breadwinner for the family and I don't think that’s a problem at all, although I think I would want the role of being the stay at home mom. LOL!!
June 19, 2008 10:09 PM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Week 5 Response to Anjum
this sounds like its something that I would be interested in! Spas and relaxation! Sounds great!! But I can see how some women can get bored with that lifestyle. I , even though it sounds tempting don't think I could live like that forever. I like to be and feel successful sometimes. I wouldn't want to just feel pretty. I am glad that these women movements came into effect because it allowed women to be more equal to men and has allowed us to break out the box and show how successful women can be!
Week 5 Response
You know Britt, I also used to be discouraged about applying to different jobs or taking certain courses because I thought that I wasn't strong enough for the position or to be a leader. Reading about these movements have inspired me to do whatever I put my mind to because women are also strong, successful, and talented.
June 13, 2008 6:03 PM
Week #6 Blog
Response for Week# 6
I have to agree Rachel. When I use to work at Commerce Bank there was a guy there that use to be married had children but acted kind of "gay." He was the nicest person and would do anything for you. Whenever we would go out in public people would always make comments about him being gay. He is a Latin man and had no shame in hugging another man or respecting ladies. I think people misunderstood his kindness and generosity with him being gay. I don't think I'm judgmental against gays and lesbians, I just never understood it. I have a few cousins that are lesbians and can actually understand their feelings and actions after talking with them about it. I think a lot of people judge what they don't understand. It’s sad but true...
June 18, 2008 12:48 PM
Friday, June 13, 2008
Men Vs. Women
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Johanna...I can totally relate to this. I've been with my boyfriend for five years and in the beginning we talked forever! Now, I barely get a phone call. Everything is all about texting these days! LOL! But I can understand how they want to act "tough" and "strong", but after being with him for five years, I've gotten to see the "weak" side of him when he lets his guard down. He defiantly shows me how he feels when we are together even though he doesn’t express it too much in words. I can truly relate!
June 3, 2008 7:26 PM
Response for week 4
Rachel...I can truly relate to this topic! I too had great friends that have moved away and it is hard to find new friends to replace them. Like you said they are always a phone call away but it’s still hard to deal with!! Goodbyes are always hard. But you know one thing that I'm slowly learning is that I can develop friendships with males. I never had male friends because I always thought they were going to try something with me or they were just insensitive but the older I get the more mature I am and I can talk to males as a friends and actually help them with their girlfriend issues. I have a male friend that is dating a girl whose parents don't know about him because they would be upset that he was black. I hate that things are still that way because I thought we were past the racism issue in America but that just proves me wrong. Anyway, I’m glad that I got rid of stereotyping all men in one category because they are sensitive and easy to talk to. Well some of them! LOL!
Response for week 2
You know Daphne...I kind of get stuck in that train of thought also, only its relating to the fact that my parents have been together for 26years. I feel that if I were to ever get married and have kids, I would have to live up to what my parents have done and have a successful long marriage. Will I ever find that??? Thats what scares me!
May 24, 2008 6:41 PM