Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Response for Week# 6

Jennifer said...
I have to agree Rachel. When I use to work at Commerce Bank there was a guy there that use to be married had children but acted kind of "gay." He was the nicest person and would do anything for you. Whenever we would go out in public people would always make comments about him being gay. He is a Latin man and had no shame in hugging another man or respecting ladies. I think people misunderstood his kindness and generosity with him being gay. I don't think I'm judgmental against gays and lesbians, I just never understood it. I have a few cousins that are lesbians and can actually understand their feelings and actions after talking with them about it. I think a lot of people judge what they don't understand. It’s sad but true...
June 18, 2008 12:48 PM

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